Adult Education Platform –

The platform is open to training providers and adults who want to improve their skills or acquire new ones. It is the first adult education platform in Lithuania where users can select courses and receive state funding.
The training platform is built using the latest web development technologies, ensuring ease of use and content accessibility. features intuitive navigation and a clear user interface, allowing users to quickly find and register for their desired courses.
Project Objective
The aim of the project is to encourage lifelong learning and professional development by providing an easily accessible and financially affordable training platform. helps individuals to enhance their qualifications or acquire new skills, while also encouraging training providers to expand their range of offerings. The platform opens up new opportunities for both education and the labor market.
Project Website
For more information, visit:
Project in the Media
- „Kursuok“ mokymuose užsiregistravo 2,7 tūkst. žmonių, tarp populiariausių – anglų kalba
- Sukurta nauja suaugusiųjų mokymo platforma, gyventojai galės pasinaudoti parama kursams
- Švietimo ministerijoje pristatyta suaugusiųjų mokymosi platforma
- Pristatyta nauja suaugusiųjų švietimo platforma: galima gauti net 500 eurų finansavimą
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