After-School Activities Attendance Information System

After-School Activities Attendance Information System

This system is designed to facilitate and digitize the attendance tracking process for institutions providing non-formal education or sports activities for children. The information system aims to improve the quality of services offered by these institutions by ensuring proper use of non-formal education funds based on attendance, activity engagement, and the actual usage of institutional facilities.

Information System Modules

Logged-in teachers and coaches will see three different modules: Groups, Schedule, and Requests.

Groups Module

In the "Groups" module, teachers and coaches can view groups in two ways: in a group tree or a group list. The group tree is organized hierarchically from the highest to the lowest level, with each level indicating the number of groups and students within it. By clicking on a selected group, users will see the name of the teacher/coach responsible for the group, the address of the activity location, and the list of attendees. Users can also add students from the registry or create a group within the system. The system provides information on the student's age, contact details, and parents/guardians' contact information for easy communication. Additionally, the selected group's schedule can be viewed with adjustable time frames (Day, Week, Month), and attendance can be marked accordingly. The "Action Log" section allows teachers/coaches to enter planned activities for each group.

Schedule Module

In the "Schedule" module, teachers/coaches can see all planned weekly and monthly activities for their groups. By clicking on an activity card, users can view the institution's address and the specific location of the activity. The schedule also allows for the creation of recurring activities and batch or individual updates to activity details.

Requests Module

In the "Requests" module, teachers/coaches can submit requests for schedule changes. The system allows suggesting preferred times for activities, submitting substitution requests, or canceling classes with a reason. The status of submitted requests can be checked within this module.

Mobile Application

A mobile application has been developed to facilitate attendance tracking. This app allows teachers to mark attendance by scanning student ID cards using the NFC feature on smart devices. If a device lacks NFC functionality, attendance can be marked manually within the app. Users can indicate if a student arrived on time, was late, or had their student card. The app also allows adding new group members and submitting schedule change or substitution requests. GPS functionality can be enabled to record the device's location during the scanning process, provided this feature is assigned to the institution. At other times, GPS tracking is disabled. The app does not record audio or video. If all activities take place within one building, the GPS feature can be turned off. However, if activities occur in various locations within Kaunas city, the GPS feature will be enabled for the institution.

Initiators of the After-School Activities Attendance Tracking Information System

The system is implemented based on:

  • Article 6, parts 6 and 8 of the Lithuanian Law on Local Self-Government
  • The Lithuanian Education Law
  • The procedure for the allocation and use of non-formal education funds, approved by the order of the Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science