Launched the "Virtual Civic Education Website"

Launched the "Virtual Civic Education Website"

A public civic education website "Civic School" has been created. This virtual site is designed to promote civic engagement among citizens. It encourages understanding of citizen rights and duties, self-awareness, participation in societal changes, initiating such changes, and building social connections within the community. Visitors to the site can find all the topics relevant to a civically-minded Lithuanian citizen. They can participate in an interactive question-and-answer game to test their civic knowledge. The website can be accessed at

Website Functionality:

  • Implemented a content management system that does not limit the number of administrators, workstations, or logins.
  • Easy-to-use system for individuals without programming experience, requiring no special technical knowledge.
  • The content management system allows managing the website structure, creating, and removing menu items.
  • Ability to make pages invisible and inaccessible to site visitors.
  • Ability to move an entire structure branch or a single element to another location using drag-and-drop, keeping all links functional.
  • Ability to edit page settings, preview them on the website, change their settings, manage visitor and administrator rights.
  • Manage page titles, window titles, URL addresses, menu titles, descriptions, keywords.
  • Features include a text editor, keyword search, security management, event history, information on missing pages.
  • Administrator search, flexible settings management.
  • Ability to install external plugins.
  • Protection against bots.
  • Interactive tools and tasks accessible to visitors without registration.
  • Ability to check the logical correctness of entered data at the field level in data entry windows.
  • Fully manageable text pages with a WYSIWYG editor.
  • Ability to create and manage informational panels in different parts of the website.
  • Ability to create and manage news, announcements, and enter contacts.

The content management system's operation and functionality will be maintained by UAB Lexita throughout the warranty period.

Website Design Functionality:

  • Focused on user browsing habits and user interface convenience.
  • Unique, cohesive, and easily understandable for users.
  • Website layout and information presentation follow best user interface practices.
  • Correctly visually displayed on various devices.
  • Navigation and element layout change depending on the device's screen size and type.
  • The graphical user interface is adapted for the disabled, considering the European Union's WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) guidelines.
  • The website is displayed without errors or distortions, maintaining full functionality, on the most popular web browsers regardless of the operating system platform.

Preparation and Launch Work Performed:

  • Tested.
  • Optimized for search engines.
  • Personnel training and education conducted:
    • Training program prepared.
    • Training materials guide prepared.
    • Training conducted for company employees.
    • Ongoing consultations on website management provided.
  • The website was created following best security practices.