Unified Electronic Ticket System in the Tauragė Region

Unified Electronic Ticket System in the Tauragė Region

We have signed a new project contract with the Public Institution "Green Region" for the creation of a unified electronic ticket system in the Tauragė district. This project is part of the implementation of the "Priority Actions of the Tauragė+ Functional Zone Development Strategy." The project is being carried out in collaboration with the municipalities of Tauragė, Jurbarkas, Šilalė, and Pagėgiai. The contract value is €297,660.00 including VAT.

Project Timeline and Goals

The electronic ticket system is planned to be developed within 10 months, followed by 60 months of maintenance and support after system integration. During a meeting with UAB Du Trys, the technical equipment suppliers, we discussed the detailed implementation procedures for the e-ticket system. We clarified the software development requirements, hardware installation specifics, and the integration between software and hardware.

Ensuring Continuous Development

To ensure the uninterrupted progress of the electronic ticket system development, we will maintain regular communication with the hardware suppliers and the Public Institution "Green Region" to address any questions or issues that arise.


Meetings took place with UAB Lexita and UAB Du Trys.